Yesterday my junior colleague came late & on my enquiry, he told me that "last night he could not have deep sleep that’s why he had been late…."

Imagine what if , we start our day with a victory on our sleep & mattress, we will feel proud on our self , it will boost or self confidence & commitment , It will increase our trust on others – Remember trust is the name of character & competence , if one element will be missing then we will not remain trust worthy any more . When we sign our appointment/ contract letter , we make a promise with our employer that we will come on time and through this we create our trust on our employer , if we fail to do so then we lose our trust-worthiness first then our trust .
I remember those days when my brother was dong his PhD. & Alhamdulillah at last he got it and why he shouldn’t get it? He is a master of his will ,he has a extreme command over his mattress.
He used to sleep 5 hours a day because his sleep or mattress was his subordinate rather he would become his mattress prison. In my entire 7 years of professional career , my salary has never been deducted on account t of late comings.
Mattress reformatory is not limited to sleep only but there are some other ways as well where we defeated by our mattress. One of my Uncle has been a mattress prisoned for long time , it is his daily routine that when he comes back from office he does nothing except lying on a comfortable mattress watching Programmes like “ Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Sath where the ( Langra , Loola , Doobta , Girta Pakistan )” is always the focus, HUH how very constructive and full of enthusiasm program about Pakistan for Pakistanis. Definitely the level of motivation can be ascertained when you watch such types of programmmes.
Some time People limit themselves to their mattresses for no reason ( aenwey ) .
Triumph over mattress means you have attained a self victory . Until & unless you don’t have a self victory's attitude, you cannot get victory on others , you can’t make any positive influence on others. So start your day victorious - as a champion, get extensive self control to get the things done. And if you don’t put yourself in pain – the pain of not having long sleeps .
Getting up early in the morning, offering the morning prayer , going for exercise & having fresh air- a person can achieve any mile stone if he has committed himself and has command over his mattress & appetite.
Patient: The problem is that obesity runs in my family.
Doctor: No, the problem is that no one runs in your family.
I saw people die not due to hunger but due to over eating. They are subordinate to their appetites . We should have limited healthy food AND we should eat for living rather living for eating .
If we can’t resist against our favirite but high cholesterol & junk food, so how can we possibly resist against any wrong doing .
Make the mattress & appetitesubordinate to you ,instead of you becoming subordinate to them.
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