We all must heard the saying that “ Nobody is Perfect” and we validate it whenever we made flaws , errors and mistakes . But I am strong believer of “ Everybody is Perfect” .
One breakthrough thinking came to my mind that can we create something which would be imperfect , not up to the required standards?, surely not ............

Now question arises that how we can say that Almighty God’s creation is imperfect ? and specially Human Being (Ashraf-ul – Makhlooqat , The Greatest among the all creations).Look at the Title which have been given us by Almighty Allah that we are so unique & perfect that nobody is identical among the billions of world population who having a 100 % resemblance with us , our DNA are not identical finger Prints are different ,furthermore, our own hands finger prints are different from other fingers. WOW, what a perfect creation has been done by Almigthy Allah .
We are creation of GOD & he made us perfect, there is need to explore ourselves to be perfect . Ask questions to yourself to be a perfect and start search for where you can be a # 1 , if your inner soul replies you to be #1 Swimmer then go for swimming , to be a #1 HR Icon then go for HR whether you have engineering degree because it is your inner soul who will make you a perfect & guide you to be a perfectionist( Number one ). So you must restrain all those negative thoughts which deviates you from your success and destiny and you considered yourself imperfect . No one is under or over privileged God has created everyone with the same competence ,we are responsible for our success and failure , It is our own responsibility to work on our Attitude , Skills and knowledge for getting success . No one can blame God for his bad fate or any failure. These are merely lame excuses for our incompetency .
At the age of 24, "I was a Bus Conductor" - Rajnikanth....
"I didn't even complete my University Education" - Bill Gates....
"I was the one who served in Hotels" - Oberoi....
"At my childhood days, I Stitched Shoes" - Abraham Lincoln....
"I worked in a Petrol Pump" - Dhirubhai Ambani....
"I Failed in the 10th Standard" - Sachin Tendulkar....
"Education Drop-Out & initially a Keyboard Player" - A. R. Rahman....
"I used to serve Tea at a Shop to support my Football Training" - Lionel Messi....
Life is not about what u couldn't do so far, it’s about WHAT YOU STILL CAN !!
“Strive Forward in the Right Direction…
Because Everybody Is Perfect”
Very Nice Shahzad.