Following are the eighths points which found in all winning teams and these are the characteristics of any winning team .
1) Bring Forth Unpleasant and Repulsive Information:
In the winning teams , every team member never hesitate or rickety to bring forth any unpleasant information & evidence on the table about the organisation & share the same with leader . Winning teams figure out the shared way out against every unpleasant information and confront the brutal facts . Leader appreciate all those members who bring such repulsive piece of information where as teams to way down usually remain bit scary and reluctant to bring forth any such information which make the team unrest and everybody would have been waiting for other team member to reveal unpleasant information. In teams to way down, members usually consider culprit to all those who bring forth the repulsive information within the team.

3) Unification Behind The Decision
Team is unify behind the every decision taken with mutual consent , once it’s been taken collectively then every team members accept it and work for it success. On the contrary team to way down not unified behind the taken decisions mostly they show their agreement on the decision taken but not faithfully accept it so they don’t work for its success.
4) Don’t Argument To Be Super Star
In team meetings team members don’t make arguments to prove own self a super star , they don’t put upfront their personal interest rather promote the organisational interest at large
5) Question To Statement Ratio :
During discussion leader raise lot of question-to-statements to put the team in brain storming & penetrate to the insights of discussions where as the leader of team way down don’t ask much question-to-statements , don’t take interest in discussion.
6) Give Credit To Other
The winning team members give credit to other team members for the their success , team success is more crucial than personal success.
7) Autopsies Without Blaming
Winning teams do autopsies without blaming external factors , other team mates or anything rather they learn lessons from their mistakes and pain areas.
8) Exceptional Performers
One of the crucial part of winning team is that they have exceptional performer all the time , even in the case of setback they focus on experience rather failure , they rate performance against satisfactory & unsatisfactory rather good Or bad .This is one thing which make the difference between winning team & others .
By: Syed Shahzad Ali
HR Expert In Pakistan
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