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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Road Map To Realize Your Vision

Raise Your Standards:
For getting your desired success, you have to elevate your standards to a high level and you have to make sure that you will not settle for less than what you deserve. This is the first key towards your success in achieving your goal.
And it requires a lot of courage & effort. Raise in standards without change in your previous practices cannot be achieved, if you will be repeating your previous behavior continuously. It is just like a Fly confined in a closed room & hitting its head again & again on the window where it would be finding its way to flee from room but it is not trying to search a new place to flee.
Not only we have to raise our standards by bringing continuous Improvements in our behavior and practices, but keep on constantly trying to find new ways of doing the same. .

Firm Belief on Your Set Standards:
If you and I will not have a firm belief in our raised standards then we can’t raise our standards as we want. Self belief is the firewood for getting your set standards. Once you set & raise your standards then you must not even think about settling on less. You must have a belief that you must meet your raised standards at all costs. There should not be a second thought that haunts your mind.
Every belief has some reference, for understanding just take the believe as a table which requires four supporting legs to stand on, even if one of the leg will be not equalize other in terms of support, the other three will be shaken up and whenever anybody will give pressure to empty weaken side the table will plunge hard to ground, it is like our Belief.
A sales person has raised his standards and he might have has a belief that now he will not settle for less than Sales Manager – to make that table unshaken,. He has to build four firm references or legs to make his table (his belief) remain standup firmly, First of all that he is Good at sales, Sales is his aptitude, he is passionate about sales AND he can achieve any assigned target. He has all competencies & KSA (Knowledge, skills, abilities) to take up charge as Manager Sales and manage sales.

Developed A Strategy & Right Approach:
You have raised your standards and developed a firm belief, but now you have to develop a strategy that how one can be a Manger Sales. For this he has to adopt the “CANI approach -Constant and Never Ending Improvement”. You have to add value or bring improvement on daily basis to achieve your goal like read professional Sales book, Attend seminars & training sessions on self financed basis because it is for your own development. Until & unless you will get the pain of investment in short term, you will not get pleasure of achieving your goal (Sales Manager) in long term. You should document your strategy with start & end date to be a Sales Manager & on daily basis keep an eye on that what value you add or bring improvement and what efforts you have made for your Goal.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Harness The Power Of Decision Making Within Yourself

Last week one of my colleagues resigned from the job.
But prior to submission & even after tendering his resignation, he seemed quite perplexed and ultimately on the pressure by his Manager, he had taken back his decision & now again he is in search of a new opportunity. Though I had been through him this period but it kept bothering me that Why we are not committed to our decisions or don’t we possess the power of decision making?
I have been thinking on these grounds & after dedicating a good number of hours to this, I have summed up the following points;

Use the power of decision.
We have the ultimate power within ourselves i.e. power of decision making.  We make lot of decisions in our daily life by choosing that which clothes we are going to wear for the party or to the office to what we will have in dinner. There is a need to use this power in the right & effective manner.
Whatever you do or can’t do, you are right. Henry ford.

Acquire the hardest step towards achieving your goal i.e. true commitment or true decision.
It is the most difficult task to build an honest & true commitment with your goal. Commitment is like a fuel to any decision, once you will develop a true commitment then decision making would have been ease down. Without having a firm commitment you can’t take any decisions because decisions firstly are affirmed by our commitment in our brain, then we roll out it into action.

Take Frequent Decisions.
Decision making is a prime skill which is inherent in one person. Like we do exercise to build our muscles similarly we have to harness the power of decision making by taking frequent decisions. Repetition is the mother of skill, so take quick & frequent decisions. Initially it might be that you may take some immature decisions but just believe that they are not wrong decisions because decision making is an art and art could not be wrong but it might be immature. Recurrence of decisions will make you perfect in that skill.

Learn from Decision.
It is your decisions not your conditions, which drive your destiny. So every time when you make a mature or immature decision, sometimes it gives you a feeling of an achievement & sometimes it learning experience or lesson. Whether there is an achievement or experience, you must evaluate your lesson, you got from your decision .Success truly is the result of good Judgment. Good Judgment comes from experiences and experiences are often the result of bad judgment.
Stays committed to your decisions & stay flexible to your approach.
Studies shows mostly successful people make frequent decisions & remain flexible in their approach to get their goal. Conversely unsuccessful people make rare decisions  but they frequently change their goal i.e. lack of persistency .Successful people focus on long term outcomes where as unsuccessful people focuses on short term results. It is like that we have goal to reach on some destination & we have planned route as well on map but don’t have a plan B in case our original plan will not work, so we must have an alternate route to reach our destination but we should not change our destination.

Enjoy your decisions
Share the outcome of your decisions with others & enjoy your decisions, what you have taken in any situation. When you will enjoy your all decisions, it will enhance your commitment & self confidence as well .Whether you had got achievement or  it was a learning experience , we should equally enjoy our decisions .Never be influenced by anyone in your decision, whatever decision you have made just stick to it  & enjoy it , Because it is your own decision.

And finally, my advice and slogan would be “Practice, Practice & Practice until you master this art of decision making perfectly.
Syed Shahzad Ali 
HR Expert in Pakistan

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Unlock the True Success Through Success Attitude

 Following are key findings which will help to develop Success attitude for longer lasting success;

Expect the best :
What does happen ? when you receive any unexpected call at mid night from your boss’s number or office number , we usually thought “ Allah Khair Karay” , negative things come first rather positive one , So always expect for best in order to build success attitude. Whether you are going for giving an interview or to open the letter or email expect the best results. When you will expecting the best for everything believe me best will happen with you. It will become your habit and habit strongly determine our attitude.

Make an habit for positivity:
For developing a success attitude ,you should make the it your habit that you will see the positive side of picture and remain positive. If you want to test that whether it has been became your habit then you have to go to any speedy Road & drive your car with normal speed. when somebody starting continuous horn at your car from back side ,though there would be a lot of space for one to take over your car from other lane but still one is persisting you to give a way , at that moment if you don’t mind it and let him go at your track without any grudges or silent abuse then understand that you have developed the success attitude.

Repetition of positive affirmations:
It is one of the most vital thing in order to develop a success attitude, whenever you have got free time or at bed before sleep or in the morning in the front of mirror just repeat the positive affirmations , these affirmations belong to your objective , Goal and weaknesses. You can put you objective or goal as your PC password as well like “ I am reducing my weight”, “ I am wealthy”,” I speak English Fluently”, “I am …….so on. When your brain accept your positive affirmations through repetition then it will become your attitude

Do Smile:
Every part of body has its own exercises and Smile is the best exercise for our face. When we smile maximum number of muscles works than frowning and it is fact smile diminish the wrinkles & frowning make it permanent at our face. It is necessary for having success attitude that you must have victorious smile at your face. Not only it will reduce down your tension & normalize the blood pressure but also it will compliment your sense of humor , all successful people carried the great sense of humor with themselves.

Do not burden the others:
It is saying that share the worry , it will halve and share the joy, it will double. So we must share our worries & tension with our partners, spouse and friends but do not burden them due to our worries. Figure out the solutions for every challenge at your own it will strengthen your success attitude because if you will start burden them then for your challenges then gradually you brain will start look for others to have a comfort zone in any challenging situation.

Do one thing positive in a day:
Try to do one thing positive every day , it may include give the right way to any stranger, help children and senior citizens in crossing roads, give lifts to those who are seeking for it, do charity etc. Any positive deed after that you feel good for yourself.

Avoid negative thoughts:
Your brain is like a empty box now it’s up to you whether you will fill it garbage to make it Dustbin or with flower to turn it out into garden. We should keep away from violent news programs, Horror films or any stuff which will emerge negative thoughts. I still remember those times when initially we had PTV news bulletin only before having cables at home, but now “News bulletin” turn into “Bad News Bulletin”. Avoid all negative thoughts & replace by positive one.

Be honest:
Honest people not only having an high self image & attitude but also they have a immense say in their social circles, always be honest in every case. Old saying “ Honesty is the Best Policy”. Never compromise on your honesty because it determines your integrity & trustworthiness.

Remain Enthusiastic:
Keep Enthusiastic and passionate about your deeds & goals , somebody is naturally enthusiastic but it can be attain by practice as well by effective use of Body language & Proper tone frequency . Enthusiasm is work as fuel for developing & retaining the success attitude in oneself. It keeps motivated the person to get one Goals.

“Challenge” not “Problem”
Torn out the word “ Problem” from your life’s dictionary ,because when Problem word use then brain make the image of poor, Perplexed, Bechara Person’s Picture. So for having a successful attitude we must use word challenge in place of Problem when we use word challenge then our brain make the image of Soldier and fighter. Now we don’t have a problems in our life anymore but there are challenges and we must get Success by overcoming the challenges .