It is all about courage to think big , very few people have this sort of audacity in their goals of life. Because everything develop twice in this world first it develop in mind then we figure out it onto reality . No engineer can develop an engine drawing until and unless it would have been developed in one’s mind . Believe me what you will dream to get , you must got it . One must have a firm believe on his capabilities & efforts that he / She is well versed that he can achieve his vision & come true his dream . One thing is common , in fact it is key to success that all visionary successful icons have been taken concrete steps towards their ideas without knowing the result but they have taken steps because might be 90% you will not get success in your initiatives but rest 10 % success will engulf your all 90% failure. It is not a person who is big but his vision make him big & different from rest.
“ While one person hesitate because he feels inferior and the other busy in making mistakes and become Superior” Henry C. Link
Following are the steps that how one can come true his Vision.
It is the technique of using one's imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life. It is a detailed illustration of what one desires and then visualizing it over and over again with all of the senses (i.e., what do you see? what do you feel? what do you hear? what does it smell like?). For example, to be a CEO is your vision then first of all you have to visualize that how will you Feel when you will be dressed in branded Suiting , Your sitting office will be at your dream place , People will be giving you desired protocol, Secretaries will be around you to facilitate , You will be big wig etc. You have to do it every day , every night when ever get free just visualize yourself in that manner then your gestures & posters will be changing around like a CEO. Because things created twice in this world once in our mind then our mind produce it into reality.
Once you have been visualizing then start networking with CEOs It might be done through referral , Trainings , Professional Social gatherings , Social Media Sites etc . It will not be uphill task ,there are lot of forums where you can find desired audience very easily . It’s the law of attraction at work, surround yourself with people who share a similar ambition, and have the drive to make themselves successful and together, you all move forward as a group. It’s one of those things, when everyone is engaged the magic starts to happen. Your vision should be your passion.
Maintaining High Self Esteem
You should have a proud on yourself because if you will not value you high then others won’t give you due importance .Once Female conceives a sperm of male , there are about 10 Millions cells released from the sperm of male & every cells can be converted in to a potential baby but when this race begins ,only one cell win the race and rest 9.99 Million lost their way . So we have been in a tough competition before our birth in this world , we have born with basic instinct of winner and we should have a firm believe on our self that we must Win. When we have defeated millions so can’t we defeat billions ?. Praise yourself as high as much you can it will be a basic key to get you vision in set time lines.
Acquire Mentoring
Mentoring in general is a relationship between someone more experienced and knowledgeable (known as Mentor) with someone less experienced and less knowledgeable in their area of common interest. Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial learning situation where the mentor provides advice, shares knowledge and experiences for realization of mentees career aspirations and advancement. Follow foot print of your mentor to come true your vision .
Information Congregation
If your vision is to get your dream Car , Then start gathering the information about the that car . Rush to show room for test drive & asking the prices for your dream car , get the information from different banks for leasing & loans, paste the picture of your dream car or personality in front your Washroom mirror where you usually brush your teeth , placed it on your desktop , get the info about its specifications , search all the info available at any where .
Daily Progress & Set The Time Lines
Maintain a dairy or log book where you will jot down each & every step ,what you have taken in a single day to realize your Vision . You have to make sure that on each single day you must entered something in your log book and show serious concerns when you did not do anything .For instance , if you looking for your Dream house then on daily basis make sure you did something to realized your dream house in reality like go to real estate agent , search for newspaper in classifieds etc then logged it in your daily log book. Review your daily log book on monthly basis and set the dates line for vision accomplishment.
This is not because our vision is difficult that we don’t dare,
It is because we don’t dare that it seems difficult……..
By : Syed Shahzad Ali
HR Expert in Pakistan
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